In Artkea, We carefully arranged each area around a certain style that goes seamlessly with the fashion of the brand. Perhaps a fading hint of Belle Epoch in the presence of unapologetic Avant-Garde. Shapes and forms of the furnitures are sculptural

Commercial Space in Jakarta

 In Artkea, We carefully arranged each area around a certain style that goes seamlessly with the fashion of the brand. Perhaps a fading hint of Belle Epoch in the presence of unapologetic Avant-Garde. Shapes and forms of the furnitures are sculptural

In Artkea, We carefully arranged each area around a certain style that goes seamlessly with the fashion of the brand. Perhaps a fading hint of Belle Epoch in the presence of unapologetic Avant-Garde. Shapes and forms of the furnitures are sculptural. Elements of the space are grandiose. Decorative details are meticulous and experimental. Every component of the shop is deliberately designed and placed to create a cinematic rendition, with visitors holding the key roles to bring the scene to life.
